Overcoming Failure & Doubt

Overcoming Failure & Doubt

There are times when we feel that our best is not good enough. So what do we do to bring ourselves out of the emotional toll that comes with inner doubt?

It’s Time to Talk about Doubt


When it comes to any of our problems one of the things that we, as human beings, struggle with is making ourselves more self-aware.

Think about it this way.

We see life through our own lenses. We believe that we are truly the center of the universe.

Why is that?

It is because we go through our lives having only experienced it through one perspective. Our own.

So when we do have our faults, it can be both hard to acknowledge and accept our wrong doings or become overcritical of ourselves because of the mistakes that we have made.

As a result, we tend to place deep in the back of our minds as a distant memory or a constant reminder.

The same thing goes for when we have a large accomplishment, it can often be hard to accept approval or recognition.

So the first step to overcoming any feelings of doubt, failure or past mistakes it to tell yourself that they exist.

No one is perfect.

And we have to remember that.

By doing so, you become more aware of your actions and your decisions. It also causes you to evaluate any future choices you make.


Once you have become more self-aware, it is now time to think about you.

Our insecurities lie in our own perception of our abilities and decisions. That is why overcoming feelings of doubt can be difficult.

Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

Take those feelings and ask yourself: “Why do I feel this way?”

Self-reflection and evaluation is the key to disrupting the negativity behind these issues. Place positives back into your mind instead.

In order to develop and move forward, you have to be willing to sit down and think about not just your failures or mistakes, but also your accomplishments.

Think about how you felt. Bask in it. Now make that feeling the light that will guide you out of the darkness of uneasiness and doubt.

One of the best ways to do this is to write it down in a journal. Though it may sound cliche, journaling is the best way to empty out all of your feelings about yourself, your circumstances and everything that is going on around you.


Now, once you have acknowledged those feelings and reflected on everything, it is time to apply this moving forward.

The fear of failure holds us back from attaining the goals we have set for ourselves. But when you embrace failure and remember that it is a part of the process, then you will understand that it shapes and molds you for the better.

For instance, my first year of college was the worst year of my entire life. It placed me into a state of depression, discomfort and unfamiliarity. I won’t get into specifics, but you can read more here.

But I say that to say that it was a year ago. And here I am starting a blog, giving advice, so that others don’t have to deal with the identity crisis I had, and finally on the path towards my own journey of success.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

I used those feelings and experiences as motivation to keep moving forward. To tell myself that the feeling of doubt in my own abilities and of my future drove me to this very destination in my life.

Instead of saying what you can’t do it. Or that you don’t know how to move forward. Think about how to get there. Think about what moving forward entails.

Apply those steps one task or day at a time.

Thanks for Talking,


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