10 Affirmations to Manifest Success

10 Affirmations to Manifest Success

To have a positive mind and spirit it is important to train your thoughts and change your mindset. Here are my favorite affirmations that I say to myself every morning for success, productivity and happiness.

It’s Time to Talk Manifestation

I am Beautiful, Confident and My Own Definition of Success

Society tells us that we have to look, act or behave in certain ways in order to be perceived in a “positive” light.

But when it comes to self-confidence and success, we all have our own definitions, and no one on this Earth is exactly alike.

As we begin to learn and grow into ourselves, it is important that we remember our self-worth, which can be very hard when you are in a mindset filled with insecurity, doubt and comparison. Something that I continue to struggle with daily.

Ever since I began my journey towards improving myself, I realized the large amount of negativity I placed out into the universe. Which in turn. It gave it right back to me.

Beautiful. Self-image is something that many of us struggle with. By instilling this word into your perception of yourself, you begin to see yourself in a new light. A Brighter Light. One that can not be dimmed because you are the conductor and operator of the light’s shine.

Confident. Walk with pride. Be proud of who you are and where you are going. Show those around you and the world that you will leave a mark on this Earth.

Definition of Success. Everyone has dreams, goals and aspirations. My success may not be the same as yours. Pursue your own journey. Get that degree, start that business, become a doctor, lawyer, engineer, cosmologist etc. Be the person you want to be, and do not allow anyone to stray you away from that goal.

I Will Accomplish Everything I Dream Of

Like I mentioned above, it is important that you have you’re own journey and know what you want to accomplish.

We all have dreams, but many of us do not know how to make that dream a reality. Including myself.

The most important thing is taking that first step, taking it one day at a time, and being sure that you are doing something that gets you one step closer to your goals.

Dreams can become reality. But sometimes our reality can get in the way of our dreams. But do not allow that to be an excuse as to why you can’t start today.

Photo by Daoudi Aissa on Unsplash

“It’s too hard.”

“I don’t have the money.”

“I don’t have time.”

Excuse. Excuses. Excuses.

We all have and use them as a means to prolong our success.

You have to start today. And all you need is a piece of paper and a pen.

Write a plan. An outline. A schedule. A road map.

That is how you begin your journey towards accomplishing your dreams.

I will be Completely Self-Sufficient by

Two of the most valuable lessons that my grandfather taught me were these:

“If you don’t work, you don’t eat.”

The world is out to f*ck you. It’s up to you if you let it.

These lessons I took with me throughout my entire life.


Because we have to work to maintain and gain everything that we have and want in life. And from an early age I knew that I wanted to be an entrepreneur, I just did not know how to get there.

Whether it is any job, big or small and no matter the income. Nothing feels better than making your own money and being able to spend it how you want.

I am nearly at complete self-sufficiency and am planning on reaching my goal by the time I am 25 years old.

That is why I put a blank space. Set a goal for yourself.

Then once it’s set make a plan to work towards that goal.


The hardest step is starting. Then you have to be adamant and consistent towards reaching that goal.

I am Strong & Resilient

We as women and non-binaries are used to being seen as too vulnerable or too strong. But we also tackle any problem that comes our way.

I know that we often need to remind ourselves of how strong we are.

Whether it’s physical, mental or emotional strain, it can have a huge toll on our actions.

So remember Monarchs you are strong and you are Royalty! Even when others or even yourself tell you that you are not.

I Will Provide Myself with the Life I Deserve and Desire

Everyone deserves to have what they want in life. But sometimes life does not work in our favor. So it is our job to make it work in our favor.

For the past several days I have been reading a lot of books and listening to podcasts centered around millionaire habits and methods towards success. And they all contained several of the same common themes: mindset, habits, and streams of income.

Photo by DODJI DJIBOM on Unsplash

Mindset. One of my main objectives for this article in particular was for us to change the way we think and view ourselves, our work and our futures. Once our pessimist mindset changes to one of optimism, then the way we view or journey through life will change.

Habits. Developing habits goes hand in hand with consistency. Change your actions and habits to line up with those that are beneficial to your future. For instance, if you see yourself running a business, a good habit to start off with would be writing a to-do list of what you need to research or execute for your brand every week.

Streams of Income. This one requires more research then anything. But once we leave the mindset of “this one thing will bring me money” that is when you are able to truly explore. Many millionaires and successful people in general have multiple revenue streams from businesses, stocks, real estate investments etc. There are so many ways to make money in this world, we just have to find which ones work for us.

Everyone has desires. Whether it is financial, emotional, sexual etc. But sometimes our minds can be so clouded thinking about what we want, but not how to get there in order to feel fulfillment.

Once you have truly understood these ideas above, then that is when the journey will begin towards the life you desire and will attain. One small action, step or thought at a time.

I will Rise and Overcome Any Mental, Emotional or Physical Obstacle in my Path

Everyone has bad days. And many of us struggle with mental health as well. So when it comes to rough patches and setbacks, they can be quite hard to overcome.

This affirmation allows us all to remember that the feeling of helplessness is just temporary. And that it will get better, we just have to push or even take a step back for a moment.

I will be Patient with Myself even when Frustrated

I did not want to get into the specifics for the one above because these affirmations go hand in hand.

No one is harder on you, than yourself. So during moments of frustration we feel anxiety, sadness and depression. And though it is important to push through those feelings, it is also important to acknowledge them and take a break when needed.

Most of us are Go Go Go. Never taking the time to breathe and care for our bodies and minds.

We can be so tired out from everything we do that when something goes wrong we get upset. However, our brains are not able to work under to much mental strain without needing rest.

It’s not that we can’t do it. It’s that we aren’t at our full potential.

So be patient. Take a breathe. Have a break. Start Again.

I will be Consistent in my Pursuit for a Better Life

Photo by mymind on Unsplash

To attain any of your goals you have to do the work.

One of my main faults is procrastination and consistency.

I never want to focus because I honestly don’t feel like doing the work. But you have to start and mark things off of your to-do list.

Getting stuff down to in order to move forward is vital. But so is taking it one day at a time.

If you didn’t accomplish what you want in a particular day. Brush it off. Try again tomorrow.

I will be Dedicated to Learning New Knowledge and Skills

Another habit that I read about was taking time out to either learn a new skill, or learn new pieces of information.

This keeps us attentive and continually expands our minds to all the knowledge the world has to offer. It can be as simple as reading an article to learning a new language, something that I have decided to do.

When I was younger reading was something that I loved to do for enjoyment, but as I got older I began to stray away from books because my schedule and work load was too “demanding”.

Looking back it was not my workload, just how I spent my time. And had I begin to practice these habits earlier, maybe my first year in college would have gone a lot smoother.

Photo by Windows on Unsplash

So take that time to learn or do something that you have always wanted to but couldn’t. Read, write, sew, make a bullet journal, etc.

Your mind is your greatest weapon. Use it. Nurture it. Help it grow.

I will Push Myself to Grow Even when Feeling Stagnant

Growth whether it is mental, physical or emotional is a part of life. Whether we choose to learn from the experiences and hardships is up to us, but the journey does not stop.

There are times in which we can begin to feel complacent. We become too comfortable within our routine and forget that life is about evolving.

We all make mistakes.

We all have feelings of doubt.

But the difference between those who want to succeed and those who do everything to succeed is that they push themselves, learn from their mistakes and apply them moving forward.

If you’re limited on resources, use the ones you have to the best of your ability. One of the largest lessons I have learned just within the past few weeks is sacrifice.

Whether it is our money or time, we have to put ourselves aside in order to pursue what we want. Since placing my phone down, I constructed this blog within 3 days.

But it took time, lots of planning, much construction, and many mistakes. Which I learned from and applied them for my future development.

The entire time I was in quarantine I got nothing done. I did the bare minimum. My homework on the due date, waking up at 12 PM and staying on social media from dusk until dawn. It wasn’t until I decided to change my tendencies and actions to match those of the empire I see myself building in the future.

I was comfortable.

We can not get too comfortable if there is more we strive for.

Photo by Lala Azizli on Unsplash

As college students or young adults in general, it is important that we decide what we want for our lives, how to get there, and to grow but also learn our own lessons along the way.

So take these affirmations and apply them to your daily routine. Make them your own. Become the person you want to be.

Thanks for Talking,


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